Member Spotlight: Darian O’ Brien

Picture of Dr. Robert Bobert
Dr. Robert Bobert


Dariane O'Brian

Dariane O'Brian

Staying active and eating healthy isn’t something that Darian O’ Brien does…it’s an integral part of who she is. Having had classical ballet training throughout her childhood and adolescent years, Darian was no stranger to staying fit, but when the strict discipline of formal training, vigorous daily practice, and performance schedules came to an end, it was necessary to find the discipline to stay fit and healthy within herself. And that’s exactly what she has done.
When Darian came to Balance Health Center to do a trial membership, she had no idea that the gym would come to mean so much to her and that it would greatly help her maintain her nutrition and fitness goals:


Tell us about your exercise and nutrition lifestyle.

“I believe that exercise, for me, is essential. Exercise helps balance me in every way. If I don’t get sufficient exercise I feel like I am lacking an essential part of who I am and who I was created to be. “Exercise is essential to who I am as a person. I was created to move and use my muscles.

”Nutrition is really important to me also. I grew up in an Italian family; and Italians love food! However, it can tend to be heavy on carbs. It was a healthful diet but as it became Americanized it became less healthful, so as an adult I made changes to my diet in terms of proportions and added more protein, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

If I’m exercising and eating properly there’s an overall effect in my body; I can feel it.” If I’m exercising I feel better; the endorphins come and I know that I am doing right by the way I was created. It’s just the overall feeling of wellness”

What does “wellness” mean to you?

“Eating properly, getting sufficient rest, exercising regularly and having time to be still, that balance of activity vs stillness”

What makes it easier to keep your healthy routine going?

Exercising socially, that’s really a motivating factor; I have different walking partners that I walk with from time to time. I am more motivated to continue with a healthy exercise regimen if I am eating well. A healthy diet promotes a healthy and active lifestyle. “Nutrition and exercise are wedded. When both things are working right together, life Is really good!”

How has Balance Health Center helped you in your health and fitness lifestyle goals?

“Joining this gym has been a motivating factor for me. Everything that Balance offers is of benefit to me. Balance is some place I enjoy coming to. There isn’t a class that I have taken that I haven’t enjoyed, and I have taken a majority of them. Many of the classes are social and the gym promotes a social environment.”

“I feel that the tone that is set here is a very inviting tone and one of acceptance that comes from the top down. I also enjoy the evolution; there is always something new at Balance Health Center. I refer to it as the little gym that I love!”

What would you say to someone who needs encouragement being more consistent being active and eating healthy?

“Give it a try for a week or a month and then let me know how you feel afterword because the benefit will be there! Sometimes it’s hard to break old habits, but I do believe that the benefits of exercise and eating healthy do show up very quickly. So, I’d say give it a try, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!”

Member Spotlight
Darian and Martin O’Brien

Darian has been a member of BHC since 2015. When she is not working out at the gym, often with her husband Martin, she stays busy helping him run his Heating and Air Conditioning business and facilitating a women’s community bible study group. Her beautiful smile and warm graceful spirit are appreciated by everyone who comes in contact with her.

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