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Author: Balance Health

Picture of Balance Health

Balance Health

Balance Health Center is dedicated to keeping our members Active for a Lifetime™. Classes designed for all ages and abilities. All fitness activities are reviewed for results by our award-winning Physical Therapy team.
Balance Partners with Physio Ed.

We are happy to join forces with Physio Ed. in delivering online fitness classes and workshops into people’s homes during quarantine. Physio Ed. classes are

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Support Group Guidelines
Positive Group Dynamics

A supportive community is shown to greatly increase our ability to change behaviors and stay positive through challenges. The following guidelines are strongly encouraged. Share

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Member Profile
Member Spotlight: Kathleen Weedon

Ojai native Kathleen Weedon is also a Balance Health Center “native”, having been a member from the start. “I have been here since day one!”,

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Football Concussions
Physical Therapy
Concussion Risk & Prevention

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Dariane O'Brian
Member Profile
Member Spotlight: Darian O’ Brien

Staying active and eating healthy isn’t something that Darian O’ Brien does…it’s an integral part of who she is. Having had classical ballet training throughout

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